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My deen is my blood, my life is my passion, my family is my brain, my love is my heart. all of them keep me moving forward

Monday, March 12

New Year, New Post, New Layouts?

Assalamualaikum w.t.h,


Akhirnya ada juga post untuk tahun 2012.. Layout ni pembakar semangat.. pembakar semangat untuk terus berjuang buat asg.. Asg banyak sangat.. Sampaikan ase mcm nak give up..

Please don't give up.. This is your dream.. Your dream and your passion.. so i try my best rite now..

so dlm godek2 laman web nak tgk bahan unt buat RPH ni terjumpalah layout ni.. InsyaAllah akan terus kekal kot. hehe.. supaya menyedarkan aku bahawa perjalanan masih belum selesai..

pernah dengar tak quote ni?

' im too busy to tell others that im busy?'

so thats me.. lau betul2 bz, pasni, jgn update blog! jgn bukak fb! Jgan bukak twit! Jgan bukak tenet pun.. (fuhh melampau)

trying to finish my work here..

so.. wish me goodluck k..

andai itu takdirNya

